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- Sabrina Street
The Vampire Keeper
The Vampire Keeper Read online
By Sabrina Street
Chapter 1: Mirror of Desire
Monroe, Louisiana
The sound of ringing interrupted the clatter of clicking heels on the concrete driveway. Hanna peered down at her small phone encased in pink marble and held up one finger to her companion before slowing her pace. Not far from the front door, her companion gave a polite nod and picked up his stride trying to grant her silent request. It didn’t matter if he put one stride or two between them; their conversation would not be private.
“Hello,” answered his young, thin, brown-skinned beauty.
“Hey, where are you? I’m ready to go!” screeched a female voice trying not to be drowned out by thunderous music.
With a little giggle she replied, “You go ahead. I already have a ride.”
“Hanna! You didn’t.”
“I did,” she confirmed, trying to smooth out a crease she saw in her short skirt.
“What about Dylan?”
“What about him?” retorted Hanna. Silence overcame the caramel vixen as she eyed her two-carat platinum ring, until she heard an exasperated sigh which prompted Hanna to exclaim, “Don’t worry so much, Kerri!”
“Well, I hope it’s worth it,” her friend snapped. The hint of judgment was evident in Kerri’s voice, yet unheeded by Hanna, who nodded with a smirk as she glanced at the tall, handsome man that stood before her, propped up against the frame of the doorway. In an attempt to ward off another possible reproach, she rambled off a bye and some vague promise to call Kerri later before instantly flipping the phone closed.
Hanna smiled warmly at her companion, who stood before her with an out stretched hand. She found herself hesitant to accept his invitation. Thanks to Kerri, her mind flooded with images of Dylan. Unable to remove her fiancé’s face from her thoughts, she moved forward and kissed the handsome stranger on the cheek before nonchalantly excusing herself. “Maybe next time,” rambled out of Hanna’s mouth as she flipped her phone open and turned to wander away. Before she knew it, and barely a step away, she felt his chest pressed tight against her back while his hands roamed the more sensitive parts of her body. It only took a few moments before Hanna’s facial muscles tensed and her jaw clenched as she lightly bit down on her lower lip.
The clack of her phone hitting the ground prompted him to extend his invitation once more. “Are you sure that you wouldn’t like to join me inside?” he whispered, nipping on her earlobe. He was assured of her submission to his request when he felt her body melt into his embrace. Moving backwards slowly, with Hanna nestled in his arms, he used his leg to sling the door closed.
What am I doing? Hanna thought for a split second as he flipped her around to face him. With her back now against the closed door, she stared deep into intoxicating blue eyes while his hands cupped and caressed her. Soon, Hanna’s fiancé and her lover’s eyes were a distant memory, for her breathing became rapid and she firmly gripped the door handle. Wrapping her other hand around her seducer, cradling him close for leverage, Hanna tightened her clutch once her body begun to quiver uncontrollably.
He waited for her body to relax before removing his hands to let her black skirt fall back to its appropriate length. After Hanna enjoyed one pure moment of pleasure, he scooped her up and carried her into the center of living room. Craftily positioning himself behind her, he continued his seduction. He felt her shiver as he lightly brushed her sun-kissed hair over her left shoulder leaving the right side of her body exposed. He heard her mumble some words of approval, so he leaned in and whispered, “To give pleasure before receiving has always been my forte.”
A smile crossed Hanna’s face as he softly kissed his way from the back of her right shoulder to her neck. He let his cool lips linger on her neck a moment, before she turned her neck violently and demanded with a discouraging tone, “Don’t leave a hickey!”
After releasing his mouth from her body, he replied, “You don’t have to worry about that, My Dear.” He watched Hanna’s expressions in the oblong mirror across the room as a smile slid back across her face. She mechanically tilted her head, giving him the go ahead to introduce her to more pleasure. With one eye still on the mirror, he brought his lips back to her neck.
Hanna felt secure in his firm grasp as he passionately kissed her. She felt a warm fluttering in her stomach until his kiss deepened. “No marks,” she reiterated, but this time he did not respond. Hanna’s smile faded as she felt his passionate kiss turn rough. She tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but every movement made the pressure on her neck intensify. Her frantic eyes finally caught sight of them in the mirror. Her alarm turned to horror as her eyes met his and it appeared to her as if he was grinning upon her neck before she felt a painful pinch. Hanna’s pulse rose at the sight of bright red blood leaking from around his mouth onto her shoulder. She tried once again with all her might to free herself from his grasp, but found herself too frail to gain her release. The only option she had left was to watch the life drain from her face while her attacker stared without emotion into her distressed eyes.
Chapter 2: Moving In
Transylvania, LA
In one city, dawn had brought death, but in another it had brought the merriment of a new tenant. Jezalyn Williford beamed as she pulled open the door to Wyler’s Rare Bookstore. She could hardly believe her luck, for she had found a job with lodging. Although her new abode was but an hour away from school, it was even farther from her grandfather, so she felt like the drive was well worth the sacrifice.
The store owners, Wyler and Ana, greeted her as she entered.
Ana, who had reservations about renting out the top apartment, faked a sincere expression of happiness, while Wyler, being the astute gentlemen that he always was, noticed Jezalyn had not carried in her luggage so he warmly extended his hand and requested Jezalyn’s car keys. Jezalyn, swept up in her excitement over moving in, anxiously fumbled about in her pocket causing them to fall out onto the floor. She giggled somewhat nervously as she watched Wyler, a man who appeared to be in his late thirties or early forties with dark blonde hair and a short, scruffy beard, instantly scoop up the keys.
“I have them,” he said before Jezalyn could react.
“Sorry,” Jezalyn replied with a smile.
Wyler returned the smile, and as he turned to walk toward the parking lot he said, “Ana! Take her on a tour while I grab her things.”
Jezalyn broke in before Ana could lead her away, “Wait! I’ll help you!”
“No, I got it. Go ahead and check out the shop.”
They watched the faded trunk of her car pop open, Jezalyn with her eyes still upon the trunk suggested, “Maybe I should go and help him anyway.”
Ana gave her a silly smirk and made a follow me motion. “It is no use, dear; he won’t take your help. He is a complete gentleman when it comes to things like that.” Jezalyn’s eyes lingered on her trunk and Wyler, but she did not persist. Instead, she quietly followed Ana as she began the tour around the store. She showed her the different sections of store; it closely resembled a setup of a library. There were sections for fiction, non-fiction, poetry, autobiography, etc. Ana grabbed a book off the shelf, cracked it open, and smelled; “Don’t you just love the smell of old books.”
Jezalyn, who never gave much thought to smelling books, wanted to find favor in her new employer and landlord nodded. Ana placed the book back on the shelf, before continuing with the tour. As they sashayed through the store, Jezalyn pointed to a section with no books “What’s that over there?”
“That’s the antique corner; it’s Wyler’s favorite area. You know, that is how we met.”
With an inquisitive tone, the word “Really?” slipped out of Jezalyn’s strawberr
y glossed lips.
“Um-hmm. The day we met, I had gone to an antique shop with Mother; she loved to window shop. Anyway, Mother had found a set of china. It was seldom that she found something she liked, but when she did she always had to have a discounted price. The clerk was not particularly happy with her approach, and on that day, it had caused haggling war between them.”
“Oh,” Jezalyn uttered, prompting Ana to continue.
“Oh yes, it went on for several minutes, and then out of nowhere Wyler pulled the clerk aside. When they returned, the clerk sold the china for cheaper than Mother’s haggling price.”
“Yep! Mother was so happy she sent me back in with an invitation for dinner, he accepted, and we have been inseparable ever since.”
“What did he say to the store clerk?”
“I don’t know. To this day, he won’t tell me the exact details. Instead, he just keeps saying, ‘I told him to act like a gentleman in the presence of a lady.’” They giggled as they walked toward the back of the store, and when they neared the register Ana asked, “How about you, do you have someone special?”
Jezalyn’s cheeks pinked as she nodded. “His name is Blaise Blackwell. We met at school.”
“Oh, I always thought high school sweetheart stories were so romantic.”
“Me too,” Jezalyn sighed. Although Jezalyn had not met Blaise until college, she was too enthralled by her surroundings to correct Ana’s assumption of when they had actually met.
Since Jezalyn gave no further details, Ana showed her to her work station, which was a small counter with an old register, before leading her into the stock room. Jezalyn followed Ana around the counter and through a small opening. “This is the storage area. No customers are allowed in here.” Bewilderment filled Jezalyn’s now full-sized green eyes, for there were piles and piles of books and knickknacks.
Noticing her anxiety, Ana explained, “Don’t worry, my dear, Wyler does all the processing, so you won’t be working back here too much. I usually leave him to his own devices, when it comes to this stuff.”
Although Jezalyn’s mouth simply responded, “Okay” her eyes held a look of deep relief as she thought, Thank God, that’s a lot of books.
When Ana saw the calmed expression, she continued, “Also, back there to the left is the entrance to our underground flat. If you ever need one of us, just knock.”
Jezalyn gazed at her oddly, “Oh, I never heard of an underground flat. Is it like a basement?”
Ana laughed, “No, it’s a flat similar to the one you will be staying in above the bookstore.”
“Oh, okay,” said Jezalyn whose face showed a hint of confusion.
Knowing that it was unusual for Louisiana to have a basement, Ana quickly added, “The old owners had this place built with a bomb shelter and evidently they were people of comfort. And, I prefer it over the upper apartment, since I work mostly nights.”
After giving further clarification as to why someone would actually sleep in a basement apartment, Ana guided Jezalyn up a narrow set of stairs. Once they reached the top, Ana extended her arm toward the door as a gesture for Jezalyn to open it. Jezalyn edged around Ana closer to the door, and just as her hand grasped the doorknob, it flung open pulling her into the room, for Wyler was trying to exit the dwelling. Jezalyn recoiled at the fright and lost her balance.
“Are you alright? Here! Let me help you up,” said Wyler, standing over her with his hand presented.
She accepted his assistance, but as she took it, she noticed his hand was soft as velvet. She was puzzled, for Wyler’s hands felt more like the soft touch of an infant than they did of an old middle-aged man. “I am okay. You just surprised me,” and with a little giggle, she tried to recover, “I should probably tell you I am kind of clumsy at times.”
Glancing around the apartment, Jezalyn found herself standing in a living room with two small couches: one on the left wall and the other situated directly in front of her. They appeared to be old with a worn, mauve floral pattern. To the left, the living room flowed into the dining room where a round wood table sat with four chairs.
The refrigerator sat on the right side of the wall that separated the kitchen from the hall; it was yellow and looked as if it belonged in the nineteen fifties. Jezalyn barely noticed the fridge because her gaze was fixed on the washer and dryer siting directly behind the table. “Do the washer and dryer work?” she asked, with enthusiasm.
“Yes. I know it seems out of place, but when we put them in that was the only place they would fit,” said Wyler.
Ana rushed over and stood between the table and washer. “When he says we, he meant he put them in. I have this bamboo-folding screen downstairs,” said Ana as she stretched her thin arms out to model the screen, “if you want you can have it.”
“Yes. Thank you. I think a bamboo screen right there would give it a nice Oriental feel,” beamed Jezalyn.
Wyler broke in, “One of us will bring it up later.” Then pointing down a short hall in front of them, he said, “Through here is the bathroom and right there is the bedroom.” Jezalyn took eight steps, and she found herself standing in front of two doors with chipped-white paint. The door to the left led to the bedroom, while the door straight ahead led into the bathroom. He gave her a moment to peek around and after which, Wyler continued, “I placed your things against the wall in the bedroom. Let us know if there is anything else you need?”
With a jubilant glow Jezalyn shook her head. “Thanks for bringing my things up.”
Ana, ready to return to her own apartment, forcefully tugged on the tail of Wyler’s shirt and said, “Okay, we will let you get settled.”
They were exiting the apartment when Wyler stopped in the entrance and told Jezalyn, “Come down later. We will have a bite to eat and make you out a work schedule.”
“Okay,” replied Wyler’s timid, yet excited tenant. Wyler flashed Jezalyn a friendly smile on his way out, which faded as he found a distressed wife waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs.
“I hope you’re right about this,” Ana blurted out with a furrowed brow.
“I am. Just think about the free time you and I will have. No more double shifts for either of us,” proclaimed Wyler with an irresistible smile.
With a more relaxed, somewhat of a stern wide eye, she said, “Yeah, that would be nice. I’m just nervous because of what happened the last time.”
Wyler moved closer and wrapped his long lanky arms around his disquieted wife. “Don’t fret, Bunny; I’ve already spoken to Larkin,” he said, trying to remove Ana’s fears of another lodging debacle. Wyler felt her stiffened body slightly relax, so he continued, “Besides, I’m going over the expectations with her today.” Ana’s husband was unsure as to whether it was all the reassurance or cuddling that he now held a limber body in his grasp, but he was happy to grant her silent request as he bent down and kissed her tilted head.
After lingering securely in his loving embrace a few minutes, she pulled back urgently and requested, “When you go over the store policies, make sure to include the flat rules. She is already curious about our underground flat.”
Brushing a strand of toffee brown hair from her face, he said, “I will, Bunny, don’t worry so much.” Pulling her close to him once again, and with a devious grin, Wyler whispered, “I will include the apartment rules.”
She jerked back and stared at him, trying to counteract his little quip she stated, “Flat, apartment whatever so long as we don’t have another episode.” Although Ana had tried to mask her irritation, she knew she had failed when her husband’s slight grin widened. Ana wanting Wyler to take her statement seriously reached into her pocket and retrieved a piece of paper, “Here! I made a list of rules to cover since I won’t be here.”
“I don’t need a list. I think I know what to say to Jezalyn. I have been his Keeper for a long time.”
Still holding the list out toward him, Ana used the one thing that she knew her husband c
ould not resist, she leaned close and with a sweet murmur said, “I know you have, but it will ease my mind if I know you have it. Please take it—for me.” As Wyler’s hand embraced hers and the paper, she knew her tactic had worked when he gave her hand a tiny squeeze. As his hand lingered awhile, she said, “Thank you. I need to go change for work. I’ll check on Larkin before I go.” Then, she gave a sweet yet seductive smile as she spoke softly, “I will think of you while I am gone.”
Wyler still found his wife’s allure as intoxicating as the day he had first met her, so he instinctively leaned in and pulled her delicate frame close, planting a long kiss upon her before whispering back, “I will miss you too, my love.”
Several hours later, Jezalyn returned to the shop counter where she found Wyler sitting with two plates of food. “Ah, there you are. I was about to come and get you. Have a seat; Ana made us some chicken spaghetti, green beans, and garlic rolls.”
Jezalyn sat down, “That was nice of her.”
“Yeah, she mentioned something about lemon chicken and rice for tomorrow.”
“Oh, I can’t wait!”
Without responding, Wyler bowed his head and silently prayed. Jezalyn took notice of him praying, so she bowed her head and thanked God not only for the food that she was about to consume, but also for her amazing new apartment and job. Upon hearing the word amen, Jezalyn raised her head and began to eat. After Wyler took several bites, he asked, “Did you get most of your stuff put away?”
“Yes, sir. I only have a few boxes left.”
“That’s good. You can put the empty boxes back there,” he said, pointing toward the back room. Jezalyn nodded as she took a sip of her coke.
“Well, there are some policies, or more like rules, we follow here at the shop that you need to be aware of.” With that, she stopped eating and listened attentively. “This is for our own safety, since we live on the premises; never let anyone in the shop before or after hours, nor let anyone come up to your apartment.” Not having any friends in town, Jezalyn did not think twice about questioning the rule, so she nodded, and let him continue, “Also, there is a door in the back that leads to an underground shelter; it’s off limits. We reside there full time now, since Ana has to work a lot of random shifts. If you need something, just knock. I’m sure one of us will be up shortly. Unfortunately, we are both sensitive sleepers,” he confessed lightheartedly, trying to take the edge of the intensity of his tone.